Bears on ATVs

Bears on ATVs is an in-progress 2D sidescroller about a rogue bear that learns to drive an ATV.

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The idea for this game came when I was hiking with friends in Alaska on a multi-use trail (we were on foot, but there were people on off-road vehicles). When hiking, we encountered two black bears about 30 feet in front of us. We followed the correct protocols and slowly backed away. While anxiously waiting for the bears to leave, I heard the faint sound of an ATV in the distance coming towards us on the trail. In that heightened emotional state, my immediate thought was ”$#%@#, the bear commandeered an ATV and is coming for us”. I became infatuated with that mental image of a 500 lb beast hurling towards me at 60 mph on a metal death machine.

Technical Details

The game engine used is Godot 3.X Mono (Lets me write C# instead of GDScript). The core code of this game is release under the MIT license on GitHub.